A pest is any living organism that is destructive and causes a negative impact on the lives of other beings, crops, land, and property. The word pest isn’t limited to just insects like ants and wasps, but to other creatures too. When an organism is in its own habitat and not disturbing or disrupting other lives, it wouldn’t be considered to be a pest. But the moment it does, however, get outside its habitat and prove to be destructive, it’ll come under the pest category. Pest Control Companies in Dubai plays a vital role in controlling these type of destructive pests. Mosquitoes, ants, termites, cockroaches, millipedes, silverfish, paper wasps, fleas, and rodents such as rats, mice, etc are some common pests. The word pests can be further broken down into four major categories. They are:
  • * Vertebrate Pests
  • * Invertebrate Pests
  • * Weeds
  • * Diseases

Interesting facts about pests

  1. 1. Insects have been on earth for a longer period of time than humans. They’ve been here for about 350 million years, while humans have only been here for 300 Thousand years.
  2. 2. Bugs crunch when you step on them because their skeleton that is on the outside is built of a similar material to our hair or nails.
  3. 3. Cockroaches can live for a week without their heads and only die eventually due to dehydration. But with its head still intact, cockroaches can live for a month without food and two weeks without water.
  4. 4. Over 5 Million children all around the world are highly sensitive to cockroaches.
  5. 5. Cockroaches can run up to three miles in an hour.
  6. 6. The German cockroach is the most common cockroach that is found in supermarkets, houses, apartment buildings, offices, restaurants, hotels, storage areas, etc.
  7. 7. A very well-known fact, but ants can carry 50 times their own body weight. They are team workers and often work in groups to move food that is way too heavy for them.
  8. 8. There is almost the same number of species of ants as there are species of birds. There are about 9000 known species of birds, and there are about 8800 known species of ants.
  9. 9. Ants cannot chew their food, and hence they move their jaws sideways in order to extract and consume the juices.
  10. 10. Ants do not sleep at all.
  11. 11. Ants occupy every continent on earth except Antarctica.
  12. 12. In case a queen ant passes away, the entire colony will pass away with it because there will be no new workers.
  13. 13. There was once an ant colony that was built across a span of over 6000 Km or 3750 miles in length.
  14. 14. Ants enjoy the longest life among insects as they can live up to around 30 years of age.
  15. 15. Certain species of ants are the fastest movers in the entire animal kingdom.
  16. 16. Termites do not have a complete metamorphosis cycle, and termite workers and soldiers are mostly blind. When these termite soldiers detect any form of threat, they provide warning signals to the colony by tapping.
  17. 17. The queen of a certain termite species can lay up to 40,000 eggs per day.
  18. 18. Of the 360 known termite species, only a few of them cause damage to crops and homes.
  19. 19. Some species of termites benefit the ecosystem by recycling dead and decaying plant matter.
  20. 20. House flies are able to detect the presence of sugar with their feet, which are 10 million times more sensitive than human tongues. And for consuming food, the common housefly has an eating tube, not a mouth.
  21. 21. The wings of house flies beat at 20 thousand times per minute, but they can only travel for five miles per hour.
  22. 22. House flies have 4000 lenses in every eye to provide a wider view angle.
  23. 23. Flies travel only about thirteen miles from their birthplace.
  24. 24. Ticks can grow from the size of a grain to the size of a marble.
  25. 25. Houses and apartments can be flea infected long after they have been closed This is because flea eggs can be in hibernation and come out when they sense carbon dioxide, which is a sign for them that food is available nearby.
  26. 26. A common flea can jump to a height that is about 130 times its height.
  27. 27. Fleas can live for around 100 days, and a female flea can lay around 2000 eggs in its lifetime.
  28. 28. Wasps that feed on fermenting juice often get high and drunk, eventually passing out.
  29. 29. To survive during the harsh winter times, pests and other insects often replace the water content of their body with a chemical known as glycerol, which acts as an antifreeze against high temperatures.
  30. 30. Rats contaminate and destroy enough food to feed 200 Million people worldwide. So rat control in Dubai plays a vital role in controlling the rats.
  31. 31. Though rats are capable of spreading life-threatening diseases to mankind, they’re also known to be trainable animals and have the characteristic of being sociable and wanting to be closer to humans.
  32. 32. Mice eat about 15 to 20 times per day.
  33. 33. Mice have bad eyesight, but they make up for it with their enhanced senses of hearing and smelling abilities.
  34. 34. The tails of mice are capable of growing as long as their bodies.
  35. 35. Male spiders pluck at their cobwebs the same way people pluck at guitar strings, in order to attract female spiders.
Though Pests may be a pain to deal with, it might be notable to say that they’re quite interesting to learn about. They’re also an essential part of the biological cycle and help in getting rid of decaying matter. Without them, the world would, at this point already have been a piled-up garbage dump. As much as these pests are annoying us now, it would be rightful to say that we’re living in their home, as they were already here, thousands of millions of years before our evolution and appearance even. So let’s not needlessly harm these organisms, but only get rid of them in case they’re threatening our lives, the lives of the people and pets around us, the structural quality of our homes, the quality of the food we consume, or the quality of the crops that we’ve raised for various purposes, including that of food and clothing.

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